Monthaven Art and Cultural Center

Monthaven Arts and Cultural Center
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Meet Me At The MACC – Handling Criticism

Monthaven Arts and Cultural Center 1017 Antebellum Circle, Hendersonville, United States

Attention artists! Critique is an essential tool for artistic growth. Whether you're new to art or a seasoned professional, learning how to give and receive feedback helps refine your work and spark creativity. In this Meet Me at the MACC session, Ruth Chase, the MACC’s regional art director, will lead a collaborative session, offering tips […]


Meet Me At The MACC – Marketing & Social Media – Building Your Audience

Monthaven Arts and Cultural Center 1017 Antebellum Circle, Hendersonville, United States

FREE EVENT This session is an invitation for regional artists to come together and engage in a collaborative discussion about marketing your work and using social media effectively. It's a chance to learn from each other's successes, share strategies that have worked, and tackle the common challenges artists often face in promoting their art. Whether […]
