Monthaven Art and Cultural Center

Monthaven Arts and Cultural Center
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MACC art students Charlotte Englander and Amelia Spradling with their awards. Photo by Jessica Lewis

Monthaven Arts and Cultural Center art students have been well represented in regional art competitions.

Charlotte Englander and Amelia Spradling, both students of MACC teacher Jessica Lewis, were honored in the 34th Annual Middle Tennessee Scholastic Art Awards. Englander received a prestigious Gold Key award, and Spradling was honored with both Gold and Silver Key awards.

The Scholastic Art Awards is the oldest and most prestigious art competition for young artists in the region. Since 1991, Cheekwood Art Museum & Gardens has had the honor of presenting the Scholastic Art Awards and Exhibition for Middle Tennessee. This year, more than 1,000 Middle Tennessee students in grades 7 – 12 submitted over 1,700 works to be considered for recognition.

MACC art students have been successful in another regional art competition. Ten of Jessica Lewis’ students were recently named as winners in the 17th Annual Middle Tennessee Regional Student Art Exhibition. Works in that exhibit are on display at the Parthenon through March 3, 2025. MACC student winners include Addison Polston, Alice Englander, Amelia Spradling, Nyiah Davies, Matiysen Ellis, Alyssa Bridgewaters, Lilly Shoemake, Emma Elliott, Charlotte Englander, Louie De La Vega Aberman.