Monthaven Art and Cultural Center

Monthaven Arts and Cultural Center
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Art of Lisa Jennings


The Art of Lisa Jennings

On the Wings of Blessings

Lisa Jennings, one of Tennessee’s most distinctive and original visual artists, showcased her first solo exhibition at the Monthaven Arts and Cultural Center’s Papillon Gallery.

Her exhibit, titled On the Wings of Blessings, featured paintings, journals, sculptures and mixed-media works created over the past five years.

As a painter, Jennings creates works that draw heavily on primitivism, symbolism and collage. She points to the horses in her painting “Greener Pastures” as an example of her approach to primitivism. The horses appear as simple, primitive outlines on a soft green landscape.

Similarly, many of her wood-and-stone sculptures come across as primitive totemic figures. Her sculpture “The Spirit of the Forest” calls to mind a mysterious shaman. All the works in the exhibit reveal a deep and abiding love for nature.