Monthaven Art and Cultural Center

Monthaven Arts and Cultural Center
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Black and Blues


Leroy Hodges and Kreg Yingst

Black and Blues

Artist Name

Art of Leroy Hodges
and Kreg Yingst

This original exhibit titled Black and Blues featured the colorful mixed media works of Tennessee artist Leroy Hodges along with the blues-inspired woodcuts of artist Kreg Yingst.

Hodges, a Mississippi native, realized long ago that the blues helped him focus, allowing him to overcome any challenges that came his way. He has pursued his passion for the visual arts for over 30 years and often refers to himself as an “artistic storyteller.” His vibrant, colorful works invariably capture the Black experience in America.

Yingst was initially trained as a painter before he shifted his interests to relief block prints. He has spent the past 20 years working on his “Music Series.” The prints in this series have allowed him to indulge his love for blues, country, jazz, Americana and rock music.

The Black and Blues exhibition included the fifth and final installment the “Home-Heart-Heritage” quilt project. The quilts in this show pay tribute to African-Americans who have made significant contributions to the U.S. military. Previous quilts celebrated notable African-American doctors, scientists, community leaders, writers and poets. The colorful and appealing quilts are part of a five-year community project. They will become part of the MACC’s Permanent Memory Collection and will be used for future touring exhibitions.